Your brakes deal with extreme friction, pressure, and stress every time you put your foot on the brake pedal.
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What Are the Signs That It’s Time to Change My Brakes?
How do you know when to change your brakes? A general rule of thumb is to replace your brake pads every 35,000 miles—but rules of thumb only get you so far.
Read MoreSummer Has Arrived! Time to Maintain Your Vehicle’s Brakes
Warm weather and (hopefully) some vacation days mean that summer is the ideal time of year to inspect and maintain your braking system.
Read MoreHow To Change Your Brakes
Changing your brakes is no easy task. Your car features an intricate braking system. A whole range of components work in tandem to ensure that you stop safely and on time when you hit the brakes.
Read MoreHow Do Brakes Work
When your vehicle’s wheels are in motion, it’s called kinetic energy. The brake system is responsible for turning kinetic energy into heat energy using friction applied indirectly to the wheels.
Read MoreHow To Bleed The Brakes On Your Vehicle
A big part of properly changing or attending to your brakes is know how to bleed year brakes. The reason to bleed the brakes is to remove the old brake fluid and replace it with new, clean brake fluid.
Read MoreTen Helpful Tips
Here are ten helpful tips when changing or installing your Goodyear Brakes. You will find guidance on choosing the correct brakes, cleaning and lubricating tips, caliper and rotor removal advice and more.
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